Molecular CaseNet workshop (Atlanta, May 4, 2019)

The Molecular CaseNet and RCSB Protein Data Bank are pleased to invite you to participate in our NSF-funded workshop to learn about the development and use of case studies to promote understanding of structure/function across chemistry and biology curricula.

WHO: Early career and tenure track faculty, especially those in the Atlanta region, who teach introductory and advanced courses in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics. If you are interested in discussing molecular structure-function relationships in biological sciences, this workshop is for you. Feel free to share this with your friends and colleagues in the region.

WHEN: On Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 9.00am to 4.30pm (see Agenda)

WHERE: Atwood Chemistry Bldg., Room 260, Emory University, GA.

Free parking at Fishburne Deck

HOW: Register here to reserve your seat in the workshop. There is no cost for attending the workshop. Light breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided for registered participants.

WHY: You will be

  • guided through a case, by case-developers, and invited to provide suggestions on the usability, clarity, and relevance of the case.
  • provided access to the case study to test your classroom, in exchange for feedback on improving the case
  • invited to participate in afternoon breakout sessions to discuss key challenges in using molecular structural data to explore and understand structure-function relationships
  • welcomed to join the Molecular CaseNet and contribute as case developers or participate as testers in the next phase of the project (to be submitted to NSF in 2020). 

We hope you will join us!


Molecular CaseNet Steering Committee

Kimberly Cortes (Kennesaw State University), Shuchismita Dutta (Rutgers University), Henry Jakubowski (College of Saint Benedict, St John’s University), David Marcey (California Lutheran University), Pat Marsteller (Emory University), and Cassidy Terrell (University of Minnesota Rochester)