Happy Blue Baby (Student View)

Submitted by molecadmin on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 16:39

Authors: Shuchismita Dutta* (Rutgers University, NJ); *contact: sdutta@rcsb.rutgers.edu

Citation and Adaptations: doi:10.25334/2R67-W933 || Adaptations: Available from the table below. || Instructors: Login for Teacher View.

Work funded by NSF grant # DBI 1827011; 2018884

Image source: https://pixabay.com/

Molecules explored: Hemoglobin (both fetal and adult) in the native and mutant forms, and in complex with oxygen.




Authors+Date; DOI Title Adaptation Notes
Riley, K., Dutta, S., June 2020; doi:10.25334/N5JP-1P96 The Happy Blue Baby (HBB) Hemoglobin

Adaptation in parts:

The case was re-written as an interrupted case study with 4 parts. Only when one part was completed the next part questions were made available. 
Procko, K. "KP", May 2021; doi:10.25334/8ETN-K437 Happy Blue Baby: MCQs for large classes Adaptation: MCQ assessment questions for a large class These multiple choice questions were designed for use in a large classroom to quickly assess student learning
Vardar-Ulu, D., June 2021;  doi:10.25334/0T61-9383 Happy Blue Baby


This adaptation preserves some of the additions that were introduced by the adaptation (doi:10.25334/N5JP-1P96), eliminates some of the deeper genetics discussions, and have students use Mol* for looking at molecular details.