Variant Acid β-Glucosidase and Gaucher disease (Student View)

Submitted by molecadmin on Sun, 12/15/2024 - 19:20

Authors: Kathleen Cornely*, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Providence College,  Roderico Acevedo, Chemical and Physical Sciences, Westfield State University, and Kristen Procko, College of Natural Science, University of Texas at Austin.


Citation || Adaptations: See table below || Instructors: Login for Teacher View.

Work funded by NSF grant # DBI 1827011; 2018884

Mosquito biting, Malaria, Global spread, protein

Image source: This image was created using AI options available from Canva specifically for this case study. Please cite the case if you copy, post, or share this image.

Molecules explored: The primary molecule examined in this case study is acid β-glucosidase. Visualization of this enzyme with small molecule inhibitors bound leads to a greater understanding of the important intermolecular interactions involved between the inhibitor and the enzyme.



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